
Tag: hillary clinton (page 2)

Post-Debate Thread

My thoughts: Hillary came across the best in the debate -- by miles. Poised, prepared, and accomplished. With an open mind and willing to listen to other ideas.

Bernie Sanders has better positions on some issues, but he can't win. I hope he stays in the race as long as possible, because it's important for people to hear his ideas.

O'Malley was third, in my view. His best line: calling Donald Trump a carnival barker.

This was a substantive debate that addressed the issues, unlike Republicans who have been an embarrassment to watch and listen to.

The best moment: the standing ovation by the crowd when Sanders said the American people are tired of hearing about Hillary's "damn emails."

Webb and Chafee will be gone soon.

Your thoughts?

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Hillary Mocks Trump on SNL

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Bill Richardson Announces Support for Hillary

Former Gov. Bill Richardson, who supported Obama over Hillary in 2007 after his own bid ended, announced his support for Hillary today.

"I am pleased to announce I wholeheartedly support Secretary Clinton's candidacy for the Presidency. Her leadership on issues like foreign policy, immigration, climate change and economic populism are important to the future of the country."

He also said he might have set up the same email system as Hillary: [More...]

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Hillary to Issue Climate Change Plan

Here's the important news about Hillary Clinton this week:

Here's what desperate Republicans care about: emails and Benghazi.

Here's what the media cares about: Anything that portrays Hillary in a negative light. And the man with straw hair. The attention his every comment brings is absurd.

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The D.C. Media Attacks on Hillary

Eric Boehlert at Media Matters offers his thoughts on why the D.C. media is "primed to take down Hillary Clinton."

It's official: Hillary Clinton now faces two looming campaign challengers, Republicans and their allies in the press. But don't take my word for it. The anti-Clinton press campaign is now an open secret in the media, and it marks a whole new chapter in campaign journalism.

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Fallout Not Likely From Hillary Clinton's Stance on Over-Incarceration

Radley Balko effectively takes a few Washington Post columnists to task for their articles criticizing Hillary Clinton's recent statements on our unjust mass incarceration policies. His article, also in the Washington Post, is titled "This isn’t 1968. Baltimore isn’t Watts. And Hillary Clinton isn’t Michael Dukakis." He writes:

Both [columnists]compared the civil unrest of 2015 to the civil unrest in 1968. Both cited Nixon’s “tough on crime” campaign, which even members of that campaign team have since admitted was an overt, often racist appeal to white fear of black people. Both scorned Clinton for being “soft on crime,” and daring to criticize mass incarceration in a speech given the same week as the riots. Both mentioned New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, and his shift in tone from gently criticizing the New York City police department for excessive force after the death of Eric Garner to robustly defending the officers after they were accused of roughing people up at a recent protest.


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Hillary to Announce Immigration Plan

Hillary Clinton will present her plan for immigration reform today in Las Vegas. She will say a path to citizenship is essential.

Of all the people – including Latino GOP senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida – who have declared that they are running for president, only Hillary Clinton offers a Spanish-language campaign website.


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Hillary Announces Plan to Revamp Criminal Justice Policy

Hillary Clinton today announced a plan to revamp criminal justice policy and end the focus on mass incarceration ad draconian sentences, policies favored during the Bill Clinton administration.

Clinton unveiled a sweeping set of proposed criminal justice reforms that would dismantle much of what her husband did. .. Whereas Bill looked to lock up offenders and throw away the key, Hillary is seeking to “end mass incarceration.” His focus was on resources for law enforcement; hers is on transparency meant to protect suspects.

Bill promoted zero tolerance, while Hillary is inclined to lend a second chance. “Keeping them behind bars does little to reduce crime, but it does a lot to tear apart families,” she said of children guilty of nonviolent offenses.


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Hillary Visits Iowa

Hillary Clinton arrives in in Monticello, Iowa today to make her first campaign appearance. She's been driving there in her "Scooby Doo" van, chatting with diners and folks at gas stations on the way.

I put the lion in her photo so she remembers to roar on occasion. She needs to share her passion and her strength. They are two of her most inspiring traits.

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Hillary Makes It Official

Hillary Clinton announced via video today she is running for President.

When I clicked on the video, I thought I was watching a You Tube type commercial and shut it down. On the third try, I realized this was her announcement, not a commercial. Not an auspicious start, in my view. I would much rather she have made a live appearance somewhere to make such a big announcement.

I'm also not crazy about the "middle class" theme. Obama uses that too much. Middle to me means middle America, middle of the road, neither here nor there. It doesn't sound progressive. It's tired. Do I have any better suggestions? [More...]

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Hillary Gets Office Space in Brooklyn

Looks like Hillary Clinton will be running for President. According to the New York Times, she has leased two floors of office space for her campaign headquarters in Brooklyn.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has leased two floors of office space at 1 Pierrepont Plaza in Brooklyn for her presidential campaign headquarters, according to a person familiar with the deal.

She is expected to announce her decision to run within days. Here's a detailed list of her f her 2008 campaign headquarters and staff.

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House Subpoenas Hillary's Emails

The House has subpoenaed Hillary Clinton's emails.

Use of a private email system wasn't against the law. There was no prohibition on using a private email account for official business, as long as the emails are preserved. There's no indication she reviewed classified information via email. There's no indication (unlike with Dick Cheney, Gov. Scott Walker, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, and George W. Bush) any emails are missing, hidden or intentionally destroyed. During the Bush Administration, 22 million emails went missing.[More...]

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